Discover the Hidden Feature: How to Uncover Your Total Amazon Spend: The Secret Amazon Doesn’t Want You to Know

A Quick Guide to Unveiling Your Amazon Purchase History and Total Spend Over the Years

5 min readApr 3, 2024
Photo by ANIRUDH on Unsplash

Curious about the total sum you’ve splurged on Amazon through the years? You’re certainly not alone in that quest! Once upon a time, Amazon made it simple for shoppers to track their spending history. However, as if by a wave of a magic wand, this handy feature became more elusive, subtly tucked away in a labyrinth of menus and options. But fear not! Hidden it may be, lost it is not. I’m here to guide you through the maze, offering a beacon of light with step-by-step instructions to unveil the mysteries of your Amazon expenditures.

Embark on this adventure with me as we uncover not just purchases, but a comprehensive view of where your hard-earned money has journeyed over the years since you first ventured into the Amazonian realm of endless shopping. Whether it’s books that fuel your mind, gadgets that simplify your life, or whimsical purchases made on a whim at midnight, prepare to reveal it all. So, buckle up, dear reader. Together, we’re about to uncover the secrets of your Amazon spending — no magic spells needed, just a few clicks away.

Step 1: Request Your…




DevOps, AWS Certified SysOps Cloud Engineer, Azure Engineer & Tech Writer.